Focusing on locating and detecting marine munitions MMinE-SwEEPER faces security con-cerns due to the sensitive nature of the information involved. To address these concerns, a Security Advisory Board has been established to advise the project's Executive Board and External Stakeholder Advisory Board on the handling of sensitive information. The Board, chaired by a designated Project Security Officer, ensures compliance with EU regulations on classified information and oversees the distribution of security-relevant data to external parties.
In particular, the Security Officer and the members of the Advisory Board were already ap-pointed during the proposal phase of the project, underlining the importance of security considerations from the very beginning. As a first step, the Security Advisory Board and Project Security Officer remotely convened a meeting with on 5. December 2024 to discuss data security related issues, such as Two Fac-tor Authentication, user roles and access management as well as network security and data availability. This initial gathering marked the beginning of ensuring the safe handling and distribution of sensitive information.
In contrast to many other past and present munition projects, MMinE-SWEEPER is not fund-ed by DG MARE or EMFAF, but by the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) which addresses security threats to European citizens. This distinct funding scheme underlines the project's unique focus on security.