After the first successful three project years, CONMAR (CONcept for conventional MArine munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea) entered its second phase on 01.12.24 (ends 30.11.2027; coordinated by GEOMAR). CONMAR pools the German academic expertise on historical marine munitions in the Baltic and North Sea and aims to make existing and new knowledge available to policymakers and industry in Germany. CONMAR provides detailed information on the distribution and status of munitions in German waters and delivers mechanistic and quantitative understanding on the release, dispersal, attenuation and transfer of explosive chemicals in the food chain (TNT, RDX, DNB), including assessments of their ecological and toxicological impacts. CONMAR uses the results to evaluate remediation approaches, based on ecological and socio-economic considerations. Furthermore, Stakeholders from industry, governmental organizations, environmental and political organizations are actively involved. CONMAR is also conducting the monitoring for the German government's emergency program for munitions remediation and is developing strategies for future governance approaches and the risk assessment of toxic substances for the marine environment. Eight CONMAR partners (GEOMAR, AWI, UKSH, IOW, URO, UBA, SAM and GCF) work in six scientific work packages namely: Co-creation and Governance, Data Management, Field studies, Biological consequences, Modelling and prediction, as well as Synthesis and recommendations. Several of these WPs nicely link to work and tasks planned in MMinE-SwEEPER, bringing a detailed perspective from the German side towards the EU project. Research cruises have been planned that link CONMAR, MMinE-SwEEPER as well as the MUNI-RISK project with regards to the work performed in the Baltic Sea. The first joined cruise will already start in March 2025.